We are back from our extended holiday break with a special episode. One of our hosts, Tim, as part of his work with Teachers2Teachers Global, traveled to Kenya this past summer to work with teachers and students and share educational and cultural experiences. Our guest in this episode, Mary Mooney, is a colleague and friend who works for the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, was part of this adventure. During the episode, Tim and Mary reflect on their experience and share some stories and perspectives on education, comparing the US system to what they observed in Kenya. We hear voices from some of the people Tim and Mary met along the way, and hear their perspectives on education as students and as parents. There's a little bit of singing, a little bit of laughing and a lot of fun.
Join us for this cross-cultural experience and a new perspective on education.
Here are a couple of pictures from Tim and Mary's adventures in Kenya, including some education and some wildlife....enjoy!